Develop sensible habits like turning things off that you aren’t using, adding insulation where appropriate, keeping gaskets, seals, and weatherstripping in good repair. Don’t drive a huge SUV when you can get by on something a lot smaller. Don’t try to live in a huge house with space that you don’t need. Start by looking for ways to reduce the amount of energy you use and need. The prices for these commodities is only going to keep going up. Set a long term goal that you will not have to pay for any electricity, heating, cooking, cooling, or any other form of energy. When a few minutes of your time on a tractor can save your neighbor hours or days of work, you’ll be repaid many times over when they get the chance. Anyone that has their own tractor with a loader and doesn’t offer to help their neighbor is also a fool. For example, anybody building an earthbag house that doesn’t make friends with their neighbor that has a tractor with a front-end loader is a fool. That trading can/should include offering a helping hand so that less hired help is required by everyone. If you have extra veggies from your garden, extra salvaged materials, or extra anything, offer it in trade for items you may need. You’ll be amazed at the dividends that will return.

Contribute something of yourself to your friends and neighbors. Create purposes for your life that go beyond mere survival and sitting on your butt in front of a glowing screen. The point is to find those special niches in your life that have special meaning for you. Take up horseshoes, archery, ham radio, yoga, and/or any one of thousands of other pastimes. Entertain yourself in a manner that makes you a better person, such as reading books, gardening, learning to play a musical instrument, training your dog, woodworking, metal working, pottery, sewing, dancing, fishing, hunting, canoeing, cheering at the local little league games, playing recreational team sports like slow pitch softball, rec basketball, volleyball, bowling. Better yet, cancel your cable/satellite subscription and sell your TV. That will save you time and money, and you’ll develop better friendships that will pay off in ways you cannot anticipate. When you do that consistently whenever you go, they will tend to start asking you the same thing before they make a similar trip. When you do make a trip into town or a big city, ask your neighbors if they need something. Most people can commute to their job via Bicycle if they just put forth the effort to get into shape. Walk and Bicycle to run as many errands as possible. It saves money, and you’ll eat healthier (if you cook healthy food), which saves money on health care. Turn that fun relaxing walk with your dog into daily food gathering sessions in wild areas that you don’t have to weed, water, plant, or till. Learn which ones have edible seeds, nuts, leaves, fruits, roots. – Learn about native plants that grow in the wild areas around you. I’ll suggest a few items to add to that list. Note: pare the list down to just the most important necessities and then the expense of stocking up on supplies is far more reasonable. If you could care less about the history of inflation, the fractional-reserve banking system, and myths and facts about the causes of inflation, and you want to go directly to the investment strategies, skip to page 59, where Pugsley talks about the solution.” It contains some of the same material covered by Peter Schiff in his 20 “Crash Proof” series. In 1981, it was on the New York Times bestseller list for about nine weeks. It is only 99 pages long and available in PDF form.
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“This book is probably the most informative book on inflation (and how to prepare for it) than any other book available. Living frugally makes it more likely you’ll achieve your dreams. Readers might be interested in Alpha Strategy: The Ultimate Plan for Financial Self-Defense for the Small Investor, a great free ebook that explains in detail how to prepare for uncertain economic times such as those we live in. Our blog post the other day discussed frugal living.